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Yunxiao International Hotel



Wuwei PRC




Hospitality 酒店



云晓国际酒店项目,位于新城区CBD核心地段,与市政府一路之隔,西侧贴临全市最大的湿地公园,地理位置十分重要且优越。项目建成后,将成为全市最高端的五星奢华酒店,城市新门户、新地标。酒店建筑面积64,800平方米,包含304间高标客房,标准间面积不小于55平方米。拥有4000平方米会议中心、以及分别为1900平方米,以及3200平方米的两个大型宴会厅。餐饮配套全日餐、设置26个包间的中餐厅、以及顶层特色餐厅。娱乐休闲区约3000平方米,包含室内恒温泳池、健身房、spa等。MIND DESIGN 提供了从初始规划、建筑概念、方案设计、立面深化设计、景观设计,以及室内设计等全套服务。MIND DESIGN擅长为业主提供一体化全方位的项目开发服务。

酒店设计概念:祁连清泉,河西丝路。取义武威巍峨壮丽的祁连山与源远流长的河西走廊:塔楼造型宛如万仞雄峰,上冠景云,下通地脉。通过塔楼南北立面竖向三段分割、东高西低的造型及中部内凹区域玻璃颜色处理,犹如冰山雪水,自九天直流而下,汇于屋顶花园、酒店入口及中央内庭院特色水景,象征源远流长,生生不息。塔楼与裙房相接部分,局部设计了倾斜玻璃幕墙,一方面加强了塔楼的山峰造型,使底部更加稳重大气;另一方面会让塔楼和裙房的过度更加自然,宛如丝绸顺滑延伸,流畅自然。酒店设计的重中之重是流线设计,MIND DESIGN 从前期概念至后期深化,以丰富星级酒店设计经验为基础,反复推敲计算,从设计层面优化完善前场后场流线,为酒店开业后的高效运营管理提供充分保障。

The Yunxiao International Hotel project is located in the core area of the new CBD, across a road from the city government and adjacent to the largest wetland park in the city. Its geographical location is very important and superior. Once completed, it will become the city's most high-end five-star luxury hotel, a new gateway, and a new landmark of the city. The hotel features 304 high-standard guest rooms, each with a minimum area of 55 square meters. It boasts a conference center covering 4,000 square meters and two large ballrooms measuring 1,900 square meters and 3,200 square meters, respectively. Catering facilities include all-day dining, a Chinese restaurant with 26 private rooms, and a featured restaurant on the tower top. The entertainment and leisure area spans approximately 3,000 square meters and includes an indoor heated swimming pool, gymnasium, and spa. MIND has offered one package service ranging from initial planning, architectural concept, schematic design, facade design development, landscape design, and the interior design. MIND excels in providing clients with an integrated and comprehensive design service package.

The hotel's design concept is based on the magnificent Qilian Mountains and the Hexi Corridor. The tower is shaped like a mountain, and its main facade is vertically divided into three areas, with the middle area being concave to simulate the snow water flowing down. The tower and podium connect with an sloping glass curtain wall, which strengthens the mountain shape of the tower and makes the transition between the tower and the podium more natural. Circulation design is essential in hotel design. With rich design experience in star-rated hotels, MIND has optimized and improved customer and service circulation from the first place to ensure efficient operation and management of hotel after opening.

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